Saturday, November 06, 2004

That was quite a ramble back there on the 28th now that I am reading it again for the first time. I know that it doesn't make sense in parts but I am going to leave it as is. The sentiment is still there even if the grammar has not been edited.


I am still concerned over the results of the election. George is no more a uniter than he is a good ole boy. The only hope is that he can get rid of some of his cabinet and replace them with less trash than currently occupies the positions.


As the gov. of CA said today, why do I care about the losers......I am afraid Bush probably feels the same way.I hate to be so pesimistic...I view it more realism. Let's just wait for the next Bin Laden tape.


On a positive note, fall is finally here and it is glorious!



Friday, November 05, 2004

O.k. So it is time to move on. No more politics for a while. I am still very bitter and upset about the results of the election. However, it is time to get back to the orginal purpose of this sit and relax and enjoy life through blogging!

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

An Embarrassment

I am very disappointed in our country. We have possibly reelected a man that can not admit failure, has an administration that leaks names of CIA agents and covers it up, and is losing a war. Despite all this, this country reelected him. A true embarrassment to the world.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004



(for Kerry)

Sunday, October 31, 2004

"Worse day of my life, what do you think!"
      • Napoleon Dynamite, Napoleon Dynamite
"You ever take it off any sweet jumps?"
  • Napoleon Dynamite, Napoleon Dynamite