Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Friday, October 07, 2005

Pics of Vegas!

Our pimped out room at Bally's

Thursday, October 06, 2005

OK So here I am again

O.K. So here I am again, Ashley, posting to a blog that no one reads. I few things I have noticed lately. The country continues to fall apart…..

Maybe I will talk about something else. I spent the weekend in Las Vegas with 2 other friends from Little Rock. We went out there with 6 other guys from around the country. We were celebrating that Jeff was getting married! We had a great time and I recommend that everyone should go to Vegas at least once. We hit many of the casino’s on the strip….The Wyn, Bally’s , Paris, New York, MGM, etc.

We HAD to take him to the strip clubs so we hit Spearmint Rhino and Crazy Horse Too . We made sure he had a great time and thanks to Kelly for hooking u up! He made it on stage….enough said. Would have been great to show pictures, but that, of course, you can’t take pictures.

Anyway, we had a good time sending Jeff off into marriage! I will post some pictures in the next post. They are crappy quality from my cell phone. Cheers!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Arkansas Times

A nice editorial about our continuing mess. I remeber having a conversation with a good friend 5 years ago....we both convinced ourselves that a president could change things but not really screw up a country....we were wrong and as naive as "The Wanker" or "W" if you prefer to be polite. I have trouble having any respect for the man. The difference is that we can learn from our mistakes and make a change...he can't seem to learn anything or change course midstream if it is in the best interest of the country.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

American Legion?

Quoted from the Arkansas Times Weblog 8/24/05:
And you think we exaggerate?
It has come to this, from Editor & Publisher:
NEW YORK The American Legion,
which has 2.7 million members, has declared war on antiwar protestors, and
media could be next. Speaking at its national convention in Honolulu,
group's national commander called for an end to all “public protests”
and “media
events” against the war, constitutional protections be damned.
"The American
Legion will stand against anyone and any group that would
demoralize our troops,
or worse, endanger their lives by encouraging
terrorists to continue their
cowardly attacks against freedom-loving
peoples," Thomas Cadmus, national
commander, told delegates at the group's
national convention in Honolulu.
... Cadmus explained, "No one respects the
right to protest more than one
who has fought for it, but we hope that
Americans will present their views in
correspondence to their elected
officials rather than by public media events
guaranteed to be picked up and
used as tools of encouragement by our enemies."
This might suggest to some,
however, that American freedoms are worth dying for,
but not exercising.
And if the American Legion doesn't stop you from
publicly protesting,
the D-G will be on hand to mock you.
Dude, who stole
our country?
My response:

Ok....when was the last time the "enemy" used pictures of war protesters in the U.S for their propaganda? Seems like it is the U.S. soldier in a foreign land (captured great, dead even better) that is their most powerful propaganda. The infidel soldier on holy land is the most powerful motivation for violence and resistance for the "enemy." If the Legion doesn't like antiwar protest how about we just call it anti-leadership protest? We do need to support our troops even more in these times....I would be scared shitless if I knew I was headed out to Iraq these days with piss-poor equipment made for the deer woods and not a war zone (I could buy a Hummer at my local dealer). Maybe anti-leadership protests ARE a better way of viewing the protesting....we need to protest our leaders who have created this situation with every avenue possible....whether through the media, on the street corner or at the gates of the White House. There are voices to be heard and they need to be louder and stronger than the minority of those who now support the handling of the war.

By the way, where is the impeachment call....other presidents have faced impeachment trials for less.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Arkansas Times Article that Rocks! this sums up how I feel at the moment....Coxmoker!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Gas Prices

When was the last time Bush filled up the Presidential limo? I don't think he has any concept about the price of gas. I have a better idea. Let's see if he like paying for the fuel for all the vehicles he requires PLUS the gas for Airforce One.....from his own pocket.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Dishwalla...always wondered what happened to them.

Dishwalla...always wondered what happened to them.: "1. 40 Stories - Dishwalla
2. Collide - Dishwalla
3. Ease The Moment - Dishwalla
4. Coral Sky - Dishwalla
5. Winter Sun - Dishwalla
6. Creeps In The Stone - Dishwalla
7. Surrender The Crown - Dishwalla
8. Bleeding Out - Dishwalla
9. Life For Sale - Dishwalla
10. Above The Wreckage - Dishwalla
11. Far Away - Dishwalla
12. Collide - Dishwalla"

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


What is going on? Where is the response from the White House promised by Bush if a person was leaking information out of the White House. Bill's saga did not compromise national security.....Rove belongs in jail! BUSH....DO THE RIGHT THING AND GET RID OF ROVE!

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Ultimate 80/90's Synth Pop

Ultimate 80/90's Synth Pop: "1. Kyrie - Mr. Mister
2. Everybody Have Fun Tonight - Wang Chung
3. Human - Human League
4. Don't You Want Me - Human League
5. Fascination - Human League
6. Sowing The Seeds Of Love - Tears for Fears
7. Take On Me - A-Ha
8. Rosanna - Toto
9. Making Love Out Of Nothing At All - Air Supply
10. Hold The Line - Toto
11. I'll Be Over You - Toto"

"Sowing The Seeds Of Love" - Tears for Fears

"Sowing The Seeds Of Love" - Tears for Fears: "1. Sowing The Seeds Of Love - Tears for Fears"

"Bizarre Love Triangle" - New Order

"Bizarre Love Triangle" - New Order: "1. Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order"

Monday, February 07, 2005 - The backlash over 'Million Dollar Baby' - Feb 7, 2005

Awesome movie with a muture end to it. Do you think people would have a problem with it if it had only stayed in print and never made it to Hollywood? If you think this is controversial, look at literature. - The backlash over 'Million Dollar Baby' - Feb 7, 2005 - The backlash over 'Million Dollar Baby' - Feb 7, 2005

Awesome movie with a muture end to it. Do you think people would have a problem with it if it had only stayed in print and never made it to Hollywood? If you think this is controversial, look at literature. - The backlash over 'Million Dollar Baby' - Feb 7, 2005